Local Install via Docker

Instructions for using Vitess on your machine for testing purposes

This guide will only work on x86_64/amd64 based machines.

This guide illustrates how to run a local testing Vitess setup via Docker. The Vitess environment is identical to the local setup, but without having to install software on one's host other than Docker.

Prerequisite #

Check out the vitessio/vitess repository #

Clone the GitHub repository via:

  • SSH: git clone git@github.com:vitessio/vitess.git, or:
  • HTTP: git clone https://github.com/vitessio/vitess.git
cd vitess
git checkout release-19.0

Build the docker image #

In your shell, execute:

make docker_local

This creates a docker image named vitess/local (aka vitess/local:latest)

Run the docker image #

In your shell, execute:

make docker_run_local

This will set up a MySQL replication topology, as well as etcd, vtctld, vtgate, vtorc, and vtadmin services.

From within the docker shell, aliases are set up for your convenience. Try the following mysql commands to connect to various tablets:

  • mysql commerce
  • mysql commerce@primary
  • mysql commerce@replica
  • mysql commerce@rdonly

You will find that Vitess runs a single keyspace, single shard cluster.

Summary #

In this example, we deployed a single unsharded keyspace named commerce. Unsharded keyspaces have a single shard named 0. The following schema reflects a common ecommerce scenario that was created by the script:

create table product (
  sku varbinary(128),
  description varbinary(128),
  price bigint,
  primary key(sku)
create table customer (
  customer_id bigint not null auto_increment,
  email varbinary(128),
  primary key(customer_id)
create table corder (
  order_id bigint not null auto_increment,
  customer_id bigint,
  sku varbinary(128),
  price bigint,
  primary key(order_id)

The schema has been simplified to include only those fields that are significant to the example:

  • The product table contains the product information for all of the products.
  • The customer table has a customer_id that has an auto_increment. A typical customer table would have a lot more columns, and sometimes additional detail tables.
  • The corder table (named so because order is an SQL reserved word) has an order_id auto-increment column. It also has foreign keys into customer(customer_id) and product(sku).

Next Steps #

You can now proceed with MoveTables.

Exiting the docker shell terminates and destroys the vitess cluster.